10 MOST CLEANERS REGIONS IN GHANA Ghana is said to have Ten Regions and with Region are many towns and Villages there. There are about 216 Constituency in Ghana and my tourism sites, According to the deadly diseases that is killing the young and Old people the GHMORNINGNEWS take the responsibilities as a Citizen to research the various cause of these diseases in our Country . Most of the diseases are mostly caused by dirty. Through Our research among the Ten Regions in Ghana, Here are the 10 cleaners Region in Ghana. 1 . REGION REGION Volta Region (or Volta ), is one of Ghana 's ten administrative regions , with Ho designated as its capital. It is located west of Republic of Togo and to the east of Lake Volta . Divided into 25 administrative districts, the region is multi-ethnic and multilingual, including groups such as the Ewe , the Guan , and the Akan peoples. The Guan people...